Jan 14, 2010


Hi guys, sorry for the long hiatus. Been busy with life and work but it is NOT the end of my modelling passion.

Anyway, it has come to my attention that they are having Airfix Cup 2010 this year. WOW!!

What should i build this time? Can i get the Grand Winner for Master Class this year? LOL. Over confidence eh. =p

Well, since its been a while since i last did any model kit, i think i might go in low-profile this year. Something simple. Looking at my current stash, i have a few 'birds' i can do i must say. From the Mig-29, Red Arrow, F-16s(not again, LOL), S-3 Viking, F-18 and many more. I need to dig out some of them out soon and start building. =)

That's for now people, i think i will post up soon what i'm building for Airfix cup 2010. Till then stay safe and happy modelling. =)